Volume Pro CSM is a Control Strip Module that lets you adjust the sound volume and left/right balance (if you have stereo speakers atttached).
The Volume Pro CSM requires Sound Manager 3.0 and Control Strip 1.4 or better. Both are standard in Mac OS 8 or later.
Installing the Volume Pro CSM
1) Open your System Folder.
2) Drag the Volume Pro CSM file to the Control Strip Modules folder.
3) Restart your Macintosh.
Configuring the Volume Pro CSM
Once you've installed the Volume Pro CSM, you can configure it to match your personal preferences.
Main popup menu
The popup menu lets you control the appearance of the Control Strip.
Show left/right balance
Displays the left and right balance levels in graphical form.
Show volume level
Shows the volume as a percentage, where 0% is muted and 100% is full volume.
Show balance levels
Shows the left and right balance levels as a percentage, where 0% is muted and 100% is full volume.
Adjusting the volume
To adjust the volume, click down on the volume portion of the CSM. A slider will pop up that you can adjust. Dragging the slider downwards will reduce the volume. Dragging the slider all the way to the bottom will mute the sound.
Adjusting the balance
To adjust the balance, click down on the balance portion of the CSM. A slider will pop up that you can adjust. Dragging the slider downwards will increase the left channel volume; dragging it upwards will increase the right channel volume.